Greetings, everyone!
Today, I fixed some styling bugs on the portfolio section of my business site. It's kind of funny that I didn't catch this for a month, because it was at a very narrow breakpoint range (around a width of 768px - 1024px) that I just overlooked. Oh well, at least it's fixed now, and I also made some styling improvements for the blog section and then added it to the homepage as well.
Anyway, let's move on to my daily report!
I did a lot of code cleaning and refactoring, plus I also learned more Next.js and SQL.
Company Website
- fixed some styling bugs on the portfolio section.
- add blog posts section on the homepage (only displays 3 items).
- improve the styling of blog post items and portfolio items.
- learned about authentication in Next.js.
- continued going through Next.js & React by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.
- learned about self-JOIN.
- continued to go through SQLZoo's SQL Tutorial.
- started reading the Nexus guide for scaling Scrum.
Thank you for reading! Have a good day!
Resources/Recommended Readings
- Next.js & React by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
- Next.js official documentation
- SQLZoo's SQL Tutorial
- The 2020 Scrum Guide
- Nexus guide
This is not a guide, it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings. This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions (based on my limited knowledge) and is in no way a substitute for actual references. If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree, I would appreciate corrections in the comments!